Banks Peninsula Geopark Trust
The Banks Peninsula Geopark Trust is directed towards the establishment and operation of Te Pātaka o Rākaihautū / Banks Peninsula Geopark. Te Pātaka o Rākaihautū / Banks Peninsula Geopark is designed as an engagement and educational platform, informing locals and visitors as to the region’s landscape, flora, fauna, archaeology, histories, communities, and organisations. The Te Pātaka o Rākaihautū / Banks Peninsula Geopark will engage and encourage the local Canterbury population onto Banks Peninsula, and provide platforms/strategies for engagement and education (e.g. marked trails, sign boards, open air learning, field trips, research).
Governance and Management Structure
The Te Pātaka o Rākaihautū / Banks Peninsula Geopark will create an umbrella organisation that will link across multiple levels from grassroots community projects, through rural and urban communities, education providers, researchers, to governmental, and agency initiatives. The Geopark, as a grassroots initiative, will facilitate partnerships, further enabling community-led initiatives to promote the aims of the Geopark. The Governance and management of the Geopark will involve a Trust Board, Steering Committee (inclusive of Portfolio Groups), and Core Staff
Trustees and Steering Group
Governance of Te Pātaka o Rākaihautū / Banks Peninsula Geopark lies with its Trust Board. The composition of the Trust Board is modelled on existing international Geopark structures and provides a basis for membership of bodies, which are the key or fundamental organisations within this Geopark model.